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Writer's pictureVincent Blackwood

Civilization VI victory types, the best civilizations, and the most helpful City-States

Civilization VI Victory Types and Top Civilizations for Each

Civilization VI offers multiple paths to victory, each requiring different strategies and strengths. Here’s a detailed look at each victory type, the top three civilizations best suited for achieving them, and the best city-states to ally with for each type.

1. Science Victory

A Science Victory is achieved by advancing through the technology tree and being the first to launch a spaceship to Mars.

  • Korea: Korea excels in science due to their unique ability, Three Kingdoms, which provides significant boosts to science output from campuses built in hills. Their unique unit, the Hwacha, and unique building, the Seowon, further enhance their scientific capabilities.

  • Germany: Germany’s unique district, the Hansa, provides substantial production bonuses, which are crucial for building scientific projects quickly. Their ability to have an extra district in each city allows for more campuses and industrial zones.

  • Australia: Australia benefits from the Land Down Under ability, which grants extra science from campuses built on tiles with charming or breathtaking appeal. This, combined with their unique unit, the Digger, and unique infrastructure, the Outback Station, makes them formidable in scientific pursuits.

Best City-States for Science Victory:

  • Geneva: Provides a significant science boost when at peace.

  • Zanzibar: Offers luxury resources that can help maintain high population and happiness, indirectly supporting science.

  • Seoul: Grants additional science per turn, which is invaluable for a science-focused strategy.

2. Culture Victory

A Culture Victory is achieved by attracting more foreign tourists than any other civilization.

  • Sweden: Sweden’s unique ability, Nobel Prize, boosts great people generation and cultural output, making them ideal for a culture victory. Their unique building, the Open-Air Museum, and unique unit, the Carolean, further enhance their cultural dominance.

  • France: France, under Catherine de Medici, benefits from the Grand Tour ability, which provides bonuses to wonder construction and tourism. Their unique unit, the Garde Impériale, and unique infrastructure, the Château, also contribute to their cultural strengths.

  • Brazil: Brazil’s unique district, the Carnival, and their ability, Amazon, which boosts the appeal of adjacent tiles, make them excellent for generatinwg great people and tourism. Their unique unit, the Minas Geraes, and unique building, the Street Carnival, further support their cultural victory path.

Best City-States for Culture Victory:

  • Kumasi: Provides culture and gold from trade routes, which can significantly boost cultural output.

  • Antananarivo: Grants extra culture for each great person earned, which is crucial for a culture victory.

  • Buenos Aires: Offers amenities that help maintain high population and happiness, indirectly supporting cultural growth.

3. Domination Victory

A Domination Victory is achieved by conquering the capital cities of all other civilizations.

  • Zulu: The Zulu, led by Shaka, have powerful military units and bonuses that make them formidable in warfare. Their unique ability, Amabutho, allows them to form corps and armies earlier, and their unique unit, the Impi, is a strong mid-game unit.

  • Mongolia: Mongolia, under Genghis Khan, excels in cavalry warfare. Their unique ability, Örtoo, boosts the combat strength of cavalry units and allows them to capture enemy units more effectively. Their unique unit, the Keshig, and unique building, the Ordu, enhance their domination capabilities.

  • Scythia: Scythia, led by Tomyris, benefits from the People of the Steppe ability, which grants bonuses to cavalry units and healing after combat. Their unique unit, the Saka Horse Archer, and unique building, the Kurgan, make them strong in prolonged battles.

Best City-States for Domination Victory:

  • Akkad: Allows melee and anti-cavalry units to do full damage to city walls, making sieges easier.

  • Valletta: Enables purchasing city center buildings with faith, which can help quickly fortify newly conquered cities.

  • Kabul: Provides experience bonuses for units, helping to create a more powerful army.

4. Religious Victory

A Religious Victory is achieved by making your religion the predominant one in more than 50% of the cities in the game.

  • Russia: Russia, led by Peter the Great, has strong faith generation through their unique ability, Mother Russia, which provides extra territory and faith from tundra tiles. Their unique unit, the Cossack, and unique building, the Lavra, further enhance their religious capabilities.

  • India: India, under Gandhi, benefits from the Dharma ability, which allows them to spread religion more effectively. Their unique unit, the Varu, and unique building, the Stepwell, support their religious victory path.

  • Spain: Spain, led by Philip II, gains bonuses for spreading religion through their unique ability, El Escorial, which grants combat bonuses against other religions. Their unique unit, the Conquistador, and unique building, the Mission, make them efficient in converting cities.

Best City-States for Religious Victory:

  • Yerevan: Allows you to choose any promotion for your apostles, making religious spread more effective.

  • Kandy: Provides relics when discovering natural wonders, boosting faith and tourism.

  • Jerusalem: Spreads your religion to nearby cities, helping to establish a strong religious presence.

5. Diplomatic Victory

A Diplomatic Victory is achieved by accumulating 20 Diplomatic Victory points.

  • Canada: Canada, led by Wilfrid Laurier, has unique abilities that boost diplomatic favor and make them strong in diplomacy. Their unique ability, Four Faces of Peace, prevents them from declaring surprise wars and grants extra diplomatic favor. Their unique unit, the Mountie, and unique building, the Hockey Rink, further support their diplomatic efforts.

  • Sweden: Sweden, under Kristina, benefits from bonuses to great people and diplomatic favor through their unique ability, Nobel Prize. Their unique unit, the Carolean, and unique building, the Open-Air Museum, enhance their diplomatic strengths.

  • Greece: Greece, led by Pericles or Gorgo, has an extra wildcard policy slot through their unique ability, Plato’s Republic, allowing them to adapt to various diplomatic situations effectively. Their unique unit, the Hoplite, and unique building, the Acropolis, further support their diplomatic victory path.

Best City-States for Diplomatic Victory:

  • Geneva: Provides a significant science boost when at peace, aiding in overall development.

  • Mitla: Grants additional diplomatic favor, which is crucial for a diplomatic victory.

  • Wolin: Provides military bonuses that can help defend against aggression while focusing on diplomacy.

6. Score Victory

If no other victory condition is met by the end of the game, the civilization with the highest score wins.

  • Rome: Rome, led by Trajan, benefits from early game expansion and infrastructure bonuses through their unique ability, All Roads Lead to Rome, which provides free roads and extra buildings in new cities. Their unique unit, the Legion, and unique building, the Bath, help accumulate a high score.

  • China: China, under Qin Shi Huang, excels in wonder construction through their unique ability, The First Emperor, which allows them to use builders to rush wonders. Their unique unit, the Crouching Tiger, and unique building, the Great Wall, significantly boost their score.

  • America: America, led by Teddy Roosevelt, benefits from bonuses to all-around development through their unique ability, Roosevelt Corollary, which grants combat bonuses on their home continent. Their unique unit, the Rough Rider, and unique building, the Film Studio, help maintain a high score throughout the game.

Best City-States for Score Victory:

  • Kumasi: Provides culture and gold from trade routes, boosting overall development.

  • Antananarivo: Grants extra culture for each great person earned, aiding in cultural and score growth.

  • Buenos Aires: Offers amenities that help maintain high population and happiness, indirectly supporting score growth.

Each civilization in Civilization VI offers unique strengths and strategies, making the game rich and diverse. Whether you aim for scientific advancement, cultural dominance, military conquest, religious spread, diplomatic influence, or simply the highest score, there’s a civilization tailored to your playstyle. Pick up a discounted copy of Civilizations VI on Fanatical or Humble Bundle!



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